After a rescheduling due to bad weather, we finally did have some great weather. With a couple dozen jumps set out, trails marked, food cooked, port-a-john delivered, and volunteers in place, we were good to go. Thank you to our sponsor Tourbillon Trailer Sales and the many volunteers who are essential to a successful ride!
- Tristen Weeks at an important post
- Rose Zariczny in charge of parking
- Trailers arriving, deep grass!
- Getting them lined up
- Field of dreams
- Registration table
- Carolyn Weeks at the registration table
- Waiting for riders to sign in
- Saddling up
- Gemma Mullins and Bella
- Waiting for friends
- Bob Hatch, Anna Petterrossi, Gemma Mullins
- Sharron & Peanut
- Unloading the horses
- Dixie
- Sharron Cochran & Kathy Budrow
- Sometimes you need a bit of help
- Karen Parlin & Becky Kalagher back from the ride
- Lynn & Bentley
- Valerie Clark
- Takes a bit of time to get all those horses ready
- Almost all ready
- Jenna McCarthy, Rebecca Maurice, Timothy Dali, Kate Cook,Beth Goudeau, Daniel Dali on an impressive array of Friesians
- Official start area
- Rosanna Savatinelli, Diane Sullivan
- Riders out
- Loni Decelles
- On the course. Amber in the lead
- Gemma & Stephanie Frend heading out
- Lean Kennedy & Mom Ann Sellew
- Jaye Robinson-Brown
- Gloria Duhaime
- Alycia Smith, last minute check
- Bill putting bridle on Townie
- Enjoying the grass
- Nice Jacket
- Becky & Shaylee
- Ann chatting with Gloria
- Amber & Shadoe
- Yes, riding entails stretching
- Soon to be first place team on their way out
- Mom Sherry & Amber Perry
- Sherry
- Help, I’m stuck and can’t get off
- Well deserved snack after the ride
- Eat as quick as you can guys!
- The best part after the ride, lunch!
- Lunch ring!
- Lynn talking to the group
- Hunter Division Becky Kalagher, Loni Decelles, Karen Parlin
- Hilltop Division
- Sharron & Kathy with their ribbons
- Trail Blazer Division Valerie Clark, Jaye Robinson, Lisa Grigaitis, Angela Savoie, Ryan McGeary, Agnita & Bill Knott
- Junior Divison winners Gemma Mullins, Anna Petterossi, Amber Perry
- Sherry & Amber with their ribbons