First of all, let us say “Thank you!”. Next, please don’t be daunted by what appears to be a lot of instruction and paperwork. We have tried to provide guidelines that address practically every situation. Ultimately, we want to keep our rides consistent, smoothly run, enjoyed by everyone, and hopefully profitable. Please use common sense and feel free to enhance your ride with the little extras like decoration, pictures, or anything we may have not thought of here.


Included in this packet is the Ride Expense Report, sign-up sheets and NEHT form if it is an NEHT affiliated ride, which are self-explanatory.  These forms are attached to the bottom of this page. You will need to fill these out as completely as possible. You should read them right away to familiarize yourself with what is needed. You may ask our Treasurer for an advance to cover purchases. You can also pay for items yourself and get reimbursed. PLEASE REMEMBER, YOU WILL ONLY BE REIMBURSED FOR ITEMS THAT HAVE RECEIPTS, WE NEED THE RECEIPTS!!!!


Remember to keep track of you hours spent on our website or on a volunteer hour’s sheet. If you have any questions, please call/e-mail Rose 401-762-4805 (, Sharon 413-668-7606 (, or Becky 508-476-3960 (