This is ONLY a list of our events for 2025.

To register and get ride information, click calendar

Feb. 16AGM & Awards Banquet
April 19Fort Hill Farms Ride Thompson CT
April 26Douglas Park Serve Day
April 27Upton Park Serve Day
May 3Nancy Maenzo Memorial Ride Douglas State Forest
May 10 Trail Work Day Hodges Village Dam Oxford MA
May 18LiveLark Acres Pleasure Ride Thompson CT
May 24-26Memorial Day Campout, Carver MA
June 1Poker Run Hodges Village Dam/Green Briar Oxford MA
June 8National Trails Day Hubbardston MA
July 3-64th of July Campout, Douglas MA
July 19Goddard Brunch Ride, E. Greenwich RI
July 27Galloping Gourmet Ride, Royalston MA
August 24Northfield Mt. Ride Northfield MA
September 14Western Themed Ride Upton MA
September 21
Sue Brainard Memorial Fall Hunter Pace-Douglas MA
October 19Lea MacInnis Judged Pleasure Ride, Lincoln MA
October 26Big Pumpkin Ride, Upton MA
November 2Turkey Trot, Carver MA
November 16Thompson Raceway Ride, Thompson CT