Nice view



The reservior

At the top

Carolyn & Annamaria


Field of wild flowers

Nice view



The reservior

At the top

Carolyn & Annamaria


Field of wild flowers

A picture perfect weather day (no humidity) rewarded riders that made the trek to Northfield Mountain Recreational Center in north central Massachusetts on Sunday, July 30th.  Although some of the trails were closed, beautiful color-coded maps were available in the Center showing that the trails were well marked at every intersection and grades were indicated (as for cross country skiers).  Also appreciated were the clean restrooms and air conditioning.

Several BSTRA members and just as many non-members contributed potluck offerings in exchange for a low ride fee.  And I didn’t have a single duplicate dish!  From cheese, crackers, and fruit, to pasta salad, deviled eggs, tuna salad sandwiches, and plenty of desserts!

A small group of special needs clients and their caregiver came near to see the horses.  My husband Bill Zariczny went over to untie my mare Sierra from the trailer and bring her into the open to visit with the group.  I could not see them, but this is what he related to me later.  He first approached the elderly gentleman in a wheelchair whom he was told is 93 years old and had been involved with horses in his lifetime.  Well, Sierra put her head down into his lap touching his leg.  Bill held his breath not knowing what to expect.  She then raised her head and seemed to look into his eyes (goosebumps!).  Without saying a word, but with a smile, he raised a shaky hand and petted her nose…such a special moment!

Thank you to our sponsor, Kaygee Sign and Graphics.