Justin Weeks

Carolyn Weeks

Fancy Helmet

Nice saddle pad

On our way

Ready to go

Riders out

Sam Cleveland

Nice line up.

Sheila on her way out

Sue & Willie

Valerie Clark

Cheryl & Lisa

Celeste & Crysanda

Bright colors

Bill Knott & Jaye Robinson

Becky & Rita

Cori Oehley

Deb & Katie

Elaine Caporizzo, Sharron Cochran, Gloria Duhaime

Elaine Caporizzo

Gloria & Bert

Good Becky

Happy Rider

Kelli Hewes

Kathy Rich

Karleen Mohn


Joan Sisley, unknown, Jennifer Jacobson

Jaye Robinson

Herd of deer heading out

Heading out

Kevin Hadfield

Lynn Paresky

Mark Howe

Mary Ellen Coyne

Terry Lupien

Next group out

View on the trail

View of the West River Reservoir

Shaylee checking out the view

On the trail

Out on the trail

Lisa Grigaitis & Cheryl Fitzpatrick

Sam Cleveland, Kate Caliccho, Deb Adams

Peggy Rotti


Rest of the reindeer herd

Santa’s helpers on the trail

Back home

Lots of food.

Rita & Sue

Having lunch

Our Christmas Tree
Organized by Carolyn Weeks, Annamaria Paul, and Teresa McGuire, this was a great ride to end the season. We had a lot to be thankful for: sunny weather, great trails, 48 riders, lunch in the barn, and a Yankee Swap. Many riders dressed festively with reindeer, elves, and garland in abundance. This ride was sponsored by WHP Trucking & Excavating.