The Tourbillon Crew

grill masters

we’re ready

lots of space

Jay Forge

at the start

Becky Kalagher, Katherine Petersson, Karen Parlin

Diane & Friend

Jay & Terry’s Donkey

Bill & Angie Knott

Valerie Clark

Darlene Falcone

Becky Kalagher, Katherine Petersson

Phyllis Alexander & Linda Krul

Happy Riders

Need a mounting block for Peanut!

Katherine Petersson & Karen Parlin

The Great Tree

raffle table

shirts & raffles

Kelly Shaw, Kathy Rich

How many raffle tickets do you want?

oh the choices

Betty & Ericka: hmmm…

all the fixings

Jane Sparda, Kathy Rich at the dessert table

Angie, Sharron, Gloria, Jane

Weeks’ Gang

Enjoying lunch

join us

fine dining!

Catching up
Sponsored by Tourbillon Trailer Sales. This year, more than 70 of us gathered for this event which raised money for BSTRA’s trail projects — our largest turnout yet and our most successful to date.