Rose Zariczny, Becky Kalagher

Signing in

Lynn Paresky working on the raffle drawing

Sharron Cochran, Denise Francis, Jim & Kelly Shaw

Charlie Cheney working traffic detail

Patiently waiting

Getting ready

Next in line to start

Ready to go!

on course

Where’s the next jump?

Karen Harvey, Jeanne Zirolli

Going off road to help

Many first responders

DCR, Fitzpatrick, Douglas EMT

Webster Heavy Rescue

Webster EMS

help arriving

Douglas FD

more help

more manpower

squeezing thru carefully

on the scene



delivering halters, ropes, etc

Carrying in trailer mats

they are heavy

needed to stabilize footing

Jim Shaw after helping with the trailer mats


tight quarters

Boardwalk cut up and horse able to sit up


Are they both ok?

Back to trailer

Doing ok

Thank you for a job well done!

Raffle time

Drawing raffle numbers

Did we win yet?

Great team in red

Junior Division Winners

Trail Blazer Division winners

Jeanne Zirolli, Karen Harvey

Hilltop Division Winners

Hunter Division Winners

Hatch Gang Corral
Sponsored by The Mane Place. Beautiful weather, great turnout, lots of drama! See the write up in the October issue of The Bugle.