Getting ready to head out.

Last minute tack check

Group ready to head out.

Becky on the bank of the West River.

Becky Kalagher

Annamaria Paul

Carolyn Weeks, Annamaria Paul & Crysanda Boisvert

Nice view behind the girls

Darlene Falcone & Lisa Grigaits

Interesting growth on this tree

Sharron Cochran

No passing here

Sharron Cochran & Rita Ballou

Scout & Michele Murphy in front.

Handy place to hang wet tack.

Lunch table

Dessert table

Gathering for lunch.

Lunch time

Catching up with everyone at lunch

A pile of leaves makes a great place to sit
Sponsored by Bellingham Animal Hospital, this ride was co-hosted with the Scantic Valley Riders & Drivers who did a super job of marking trails and providing a great lunch.