Fort Hill Farms Pleasure Ride
April 19 @ 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Ride sponsored by Hope Botanicals & Crothers Tire Co.
Check in: 10am Ride out: 10:30
Length: 6 miles +/- NEHT Affiliated
Location: 260 Quaddick Road, Thompson CT
Directions: Rt. 395 exit 50, Take Ct Rt. 200 East. At stop sign go straight onto Quaddick Road. In approximately 1 mile Fort Hill Farms will be on the left. Drive through the Wagon Wheel Gate.
Registration fees: $30 for BSTRA members, $35 for non-members. Juniors (17 and under) ride free. Lunch included free if pre-registered.
For more information please contact Valerie at 508-864-8432 or valerie.clark@snet.net
To download the ride form and register by mail click here: Fort Hill Farms Ride Form
To register on-line, please fill out the form below.